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De Beleving

Elm route
See the best of the elms and the spring snow in Amsterdam: follow the elm route! Enjoyable on foot as well as on bike. The route starts at the elm arboretum on the North shore of the IJ waterway next to EYE), then crosses the water into the Eastern part of central Amsterdam and ends at Amsterdams famous Hortus Botanicus, one of the oldest botanical gardens in the world. This 8kms (5 miles) route gives residents and visitors a new perspective on Amsterdam: City of Trees.
You can DOWNLOAD THE ELM ROUTE HERE  Unfortunately this year no EN translation). 

Program 2019 (see Facebook for more information & updates)

Tuesday March 26 at 8pm: Catch that spring feeling at the most charming theatre of Amsterdam, with music, photo’s & stories about how spring is in the air, though not the only thing… We welcome you at CLUB FANTASMA at Torpedo Theatre.

Theme: a new spring. With photo’s from phenomenal skies from Saskia Boelsums, a presentation by Denise de Grave about how she makes people aware of clean air, and the story behind the creation of Eau d’Amsterdam Vondelpark: be there if you are interested in the effect of park bathing & your sense of smell; and as always with music from Maartje Jaquet and her Arizona Highways.

This year we will bring the story of Amsterdam’s signature tree to all elementary schools in our city with the project ‘Schoolpleiniepen

All elementary schools will receive a young elm tree in the week of Nationale Boomfeestdag. Also they get the chance to obtain 1 or more big elm trees, which will be planted by the governmental tree planters.



Eau d'Amsterdam bottle illustrationNow there is a unique city perfume based on the natural scent of the wood & leaves of the elm tree! Eau d’Amsterdam, Scent of the Elm Trees was launched in 2014 to support the cultural activities from Springsnow. The perfume was made by Tijdmakers in cooperation with Annindriya & IFF. VOGUE selected it as One of the Seven Best Scents with a Destination. The perfume is for sale at different locations and online, see: www.eaudamsterdam.com

Read about Springsnow
The American writer John Green was so impressed with the ‘falling of flowers from the sky’ during his Writer in Residence stay in Amsterdam that he wrote about it in bestseller The Fault in our Stars. It’s an AWESOME book to read, especially at springtime at the canals!

News and updates about our program are on Facebook and Twitter.